Upcoming Events & Activities
What Now? Discussion Group
"HANDS OFF" Poster Making and Carpooling
on Saturday, March 29th at 3:00 - 5:00 PM
The ongoing discussion group "What Now?" will be meeting bimonthly in the foreseeable future. The next meeting is April 12th at 3:00 PM in the Fleck Room AND over our usual Zoom link. Our gatherings aim to hear and support each other along with the vulnerable in our communities in this starkly altered world we share.
Photo by Ana Municio on Unsplash

Caregivers Support Group
Saturday, March 29 at 9 AM
The next Caregivers’ Support Group meeting will be on Saturday, March 29 at 9:00 AM. For anyone who is feeling the weight of caring for a loved one, be it local, at a distance, or if you are feeling overwhelmed with feelings, please join Rev. Chris and others to share. Let Chris know you are coming – or simply arrive. All are welcome. If you let Chris know, he would be happy to set up a Zoom connection for you.
Email him at revchrisuumh@gmail.com.
Photo by B. Avery
"UUMH Video Society"
"UUMH Video Society" - Save the Date
Wednesday, April 16th from 3:00 - 6:00 PM
We will be showing "Being There"
Mark your calendar and watch for details.
Pam and Evan will host the Fleck Roomshowings/discussions.
We will be viewing movies, videos, and documentaries followed by a discussion session.
We are currently making a list of potential movies. To make suggestions, please email them to Pam and/or Evan:
Pam Ebeling (PEbeling1313@gmail.com)
Evan Howard (EHoward1313@gmail.com)
Photo by Sanket Shah on Unsplash

Men's Unitarian Universalist Group Social
Thursday, April 17th at 11:30 AM
Let's meet at the 400 East Restaurant, East Harwich for a cordial, stimulating, friendly, and thought-provoking social get-together!
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
UUMH Monthly Book Club
The 3rd Monday at 10:00 AM - April 21st
April's: Colonization and the Wampanoag Story by Linda Coombs
The club meets on the third Monday of each month (except June, July, and August) at Park Place, 912 Main Street Chatham, MA. Each participant chooses a book for the group and then leads the discussion. Over the years, the group has read various fiction, nonfiction, and memoirs. This exceptional opportunity to get together and enjoy great conversation is a favorite time for the group. All are welcome!
For information, contact Gail Eldridge: Gail.eldredge@gmail.com
Some recent books:
The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery, My Antonia by Willa Cather, Remarkably Brilliant Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt, Grandma Gatewood’s Walk by Ben Montgomery, Blue Latitudes by Tony Horwitz, Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk, The Ride of Her Life by Elizabeth Letts

Photo by Sergey Pesterev on Unsplash
Ladies’ Lunch
Tuesday, April 22nd at 11:30 AM
Let’s gather on Tuesday, April 22 from 11:30 AM - 2 PM at the 400 East in East Harwich and continue to gather every 4th Tuesday of the month through March. Please come for all or some of the time; to eat lunch or visit. Watch for the location in the weekly bulletin. Please let Linda Jean know if you will attend by contacting her: in person, text, or by email. Let her know you will be attending and Linda Jean will have a table ready.
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Town Clean Up: Saturday, April 26th at 9:00 & 11:00 AM
Once again, UUMH will have a team participating in the Clean Up at 9:00 AM on Saturday, April 26th.
Join us, bring friends, and please let Office Administrator, Dawn Dinnan, know if you’ll join us by emailing chathamuumh@gmail.com.
"Tree of Hope" Community Initiative
We invite you to visit the "Tree of Hope" on the side lawn of the UU Meeting House, Main Street, Chatham. It is a place to seek comfort and share messages of loving kindness. Chatham resident Vangie Collins and several volunteers initiated the idea for this dedicated community space. The community can leave tokens and expressions of hope including kindness rocks, ornaments, or heartfelt thoughts and prayers. The newly decorated tree was introduced with messages of hope. Thank you to all who participated.

Meditation Group (Zoom)
Weekly on Saturdays at 9:30 AM
“Our body talks to us in Feelings and Sensations.
Meditation Practice is taking time out to listen.”
Join our weekly Meditation Group.
The UU Meditation group meets on Zoom at 9:30 every Saturday morning.
Click on the link below to join the session. With Zoom, you can tune in from any location!
This link will be used for each Saturday meeting from 9:30 - 10:30 AM.
Email Nancy Fields with questions: nefields42@gmail.com
Join Zoom Meeting: HERE
Meeting ID: 937 1731 3258
Password 040260
"Breathe with Joan"
Joan Konopka taught so many of us to slow down and savor the moment through meditation. We celebrate her life, her memory, and her spirit within us. Enjoy this 3-minute meditation practice which one of her students and friends, Dana McCoy, captured and shared with us. Click here.
Inspiring thoughts by Joan shared with her many friends and followers, read by the Unitarian Meeting House of Chatham Meditation Group. In Memory of Joan Konopka. Produced by Dana McCoy. Click here.

UUMH Thrift Shop: Gratitude
Though the Thrift Shop had to close three weeks early, it was, nevertheless, a SPECTACULAR season. Thanks to all the hard-working and friendly volunteers, and the many donors of awesome merchandise, the Thrift Shop finished the season (2024) with slightly over $50,000!
Mary Parsons, as she has for several years, guided and encouraged us through a fun and profitable summer. Pam Ebeling will be taking over the reins summer 2025, and she has some great ideas as well. So, see you all in May.
And a note from Mary herself: "I would like to thank Pam Ebeling and Evan Howard, Kathy and Jon Nye, Liz and Dave Van Wye, Deb and Joe Zahka, Carol Lewis and Deb Tenney for all their help when the Thrift Shop Flooded. We certainly couldn’t have done it without you. And my thanks to everyone who made the summer such a success." Mary

Small Group Gatherings
Join one of our small groups to build connections and to support and encourage each other in spiritual growth. Groups of 8 – 10 persons meet once or several times a month, morning, afternoon, or evening to encourage sharing and discussion of various topics. Discussion topics have included: right and wrong, humor, racism, fear, friendship, and spirituality. Anyone interested in joining a group may speak with the minister.