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UUMH Key Contacts

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Or print a list of Key Contacts, here.

Admin. Support, General questions - Dawn Dinnan

Art - Beth Avery

AV Tech - Michael Caliri


Board of Trustees - Danielle Jeanloz, Evan Howard

Book Group - Gail Eldredge

Bookkeeper - Kim Carroll

Building & Grounds - Joe Zahka


Calendar Updates - Dawn Dinnan

Capital Campaign - Evan Howard, Sandi Porter

Coffee Hour - Sue Bauer

Communications - Beth Avery, Liz Van WyeDanielle Jeanloz


Directory Updates/Questions - Sue Bauer, Danielle Jeanloz

Donations - Dave Van Wye


Endowment - Joe Zahka


Finance -   Joe Zahka &  Dave Van Wye

Flowers - Sue Bauer

Hospitality - Sue Bauer

Meditation - Nancy Fields

Membership - Bonnie Brydges, Kathy Nye

Minister - Chris McMahon

Monthly Newsletter - Sue Bauer

Music - Frank Toppa

MUUGS - Evan Howard

Nominating - Sue Bauer

Outreach Donations - Robin Hubbard, Joan Caputo


Pastoral Care - Sue Bauer

Photography - Beth Avery


Rental of Space - Joe Zahka


Safety - Joe ZahkaEvan Howard

Scouts Liaison - Gail Eldredge

Small Groups - Beth Avery, Sue Bauer, Priscilla Smith 

Social Activities - Sandi Porter

Social Justice - Robin Hubbard

Social Media - KD Ryan


Tree of Hope - Vangie Collins

Thrift Shop - Mary Parsons, Pam Eberling


Website Updates - KD Ryan, Dawn DinnanDanielle Jeanloz

Weekly Bulletin/Enewsletter - KD Ryan

Worship Services - Dolly Howell

Updated 2-17-2025


Updated 7/14/24

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