UUMH Chatham Committees and Interest Groups
For more information about any of these committees and groups, check announcements in the Newsletter and the Events and Activities Page on this website or contact the Chairs or the Administrative Office using this link.
For more key contacts, press here:
Art (Beth Avery, Chair)
To showcase and celebrate the creativeness of the congregation through changing exhibits of paintings, drawings, textiles, and photography.
Board of Trustees (Danielle Jeanloz, President)
The Board provides leadership for carrying out the purpose and vision of the congregation. Responsible for business and financial affairs.
Building & Grounds (Joe Zahka, Chair)
To develop plans and execute projects relating to the physical facilities and grounds of the Meeting House in order to provide members of the congregation with a comfortable and safe place for worship and meetings. To contract major maintenance items and perform minor maintenance on a volunteer basis.
Communications (Beth Avery, Chair)
To inform the public and the congregation about UUMH, attract potential new members, and build a vibrant presence on the UUMH website, Facebook, and other social media.
Endowment (Joe Zahka, Chair)
To manage the Endowment Fund which helps guarantee the Meeting House’s long term financial stability. The committee informs and guides members on the process of planned giving and also encourages and promotes gifts to the fund. The group seeks to preserve and grow the Endowment Fund’s assets.
Finance (Joe Zahka, Chair)
To advise the Board of Trustees on financial matters dealing with budgets, budget projections, book-keeping, audits, and any other fiscal issues or concerns.
Flowers (Sue Bauer, Chair)
Provides flowers for weekly services by enlisting volunteers to purchase or otherwise provide them. Can also use funds given to or provided in the church's budget to purchase flowers from a local nursery.
To explore potential and innovative avenues to increase the revenues of the Meeting House.
Hospitality (Sue Bauer, Chair)
To provide refreshments for the Coffee Hour after the Sunday service.
Meditation Group (Nancy Fields, Chair)
To relax, improve health and increase a sense of well-being, this group meets each Saturday morning through Zoom to practice a science-based mindfulness approach. All are welcome.
MUUGS (Evan Howard)
Men's UU Group Social gathers monthly, currently on the third Thursday of the month at 400 East Restaurant in East Harwich.
Membership (Bonnie Brydges and Kathy Nye, Co-Chairs)
To be responsible for welcoming newcomers, contacting potential new members, and helping to integrate new members into the life of the congregation.
Music/Choir (Joan Caputo, Chair and Frank Toppa)
To work with the music director and minister to maintain high standards for the music of the Meeting House; to coordinate all musical activities, including special music events presented by the choir or by outside groups.
Nominating Committee (Sue Bauer, Chair)
Nominates Trustees, Program Council chair, and members of the Endowment Board and Nominating Committee for election at the Annual Meeting.
Pastoral Care (Sue Bauer, Chair)
To assist the minister in meeting the pastoral care needs of the congregation through home and hospital visits, meals, occasional special events for specific groups of congregants, and collations after memorial services if requested.
Pledge Campaign / Stewardship - (Evan Howard, Sandi Porter - Chairs)
To organize and carry out an annual pledge drive which is the principal source of funding for the needs and activities of the UUMH.
Small-Group Ministry (Sue Bauer, Priscilla Smith)
To build connections and to support and encourage each other in spiritual growth. Groups of 8 – 10 persons meet once or several times a month, morning, afternoon, or evening to encourage sharing and discussion of various topics. Discussion topics have included: right and wrong, humor, racism, fear, friendship, and spirituality. Anyone interested in joining a group may speak with the minister.
Social Activities (Sandi Porter, Chair)
Social Justice and Community Outreach (Robin Hubbard, Chair)
To serve as a liaison or support for individuals or groups in the congregation who would like to pursue social justice issues. To educate the congregation and the wider community about social justice issues. To financially support other non-profit organizations and initiatives in the community.
Social Justice (Robin Hubbard, Chair)
To encourage the congregation’s interest and participation in events that tie us to our regional and national organizations and to increase our awareness of being part of a larger liberal religious movement.
Third Monday Book Group (Gail Eldredge, Chair)
To discuss a book suggested by members, the group meets on the third Monday of each month. All are welcome to attend any or all meetings.
Thrift Shop (Pam Eberling, Chair)
To provide a major fundraising effort that supports the Meeting House. It also provides a service to the public offering a welcome and friendly place to buy donated merchandise. The shop is managed and staffed by volunteers.
Worship Services (Dolly Howell, Chair)
To advise and work closely with the minister on matters that affect worship. A major responsibility of this committee is to provide special services for Sundays when the minister is away.