Rev. Tracy Johnson
Jul 18, 2021
“Widening the Circle”
Walk the maze within your heart: guide your steps into its questioning curves. The labyrinth is a puzzle leading you deeper into your own...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
Jul 11, 2021
Home, sweet home. Home away from home. Home is where the heart is. You can never go home. Or, in true Judy Garland fashion, clicking our...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
Jun 7, 2021
Pan – genderqueer – cisgender – nonbinary – transgender – terms that we didn’t grow up with if we are middle aged or older, although that...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
May 24, 2021
Travel writer, Kate Wheeler, states that “True adventures start with desire, an inclination to enter the unknown. In hopes of finding...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
May 10, 2021
“A Flourishing Peace”
I came of age both personally and politically in what has now come to be called “the Viet Nam Era.” It was that time in our nation’s...