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UUMH Chatham

Our children spend the first segment of each Sunday service participating with the adults. Our minister asks one of the children to light our chalice and then delivers a homily before they go off to their classroom. In addition, and new this year, we plan to have our older children take turns doing more during the adult service, such as readings and leading musical responses, according to their abilities.

We have fantastic talent in our Music/Choir Director Frank Toppa, who has worked with our children for several years now. We also will have at least two adults (not parents) each week and at least one parent to work with the children


The UUMH will have a team-building day for Habitat for Humanity. Although the children cannot be on the construction site, we can make a snack for the workers. We will make microwave banana bread once we have a date.


Tentative schedule.  Every month concludes with the children giving an assessment of what they liked and did not like about their RE experience that month.


Get to know each other; Interview different students than the ones you already know; Tell us about your new friend


October (Halloween)

Get to know one adult in the congregation; Present your new adult friend to the congregation and be presented by your new adult friend; Have a Halloween parade and Trick or Treat for Unicef or other organization; Include the congregation

November (Thanksgiving)

Discuss what you are thankful for; We will ask a Veteran to come to speak on November 13th; Decorate for the family Thanksgiving Feast & Create the feast with the assistance of the Hosts and Hostesses

December (School vacation)

Discuss how we can share what we were thankful for in November; Prepare a Christmas program; Give the Christmas program

January (School vacation and Martin Luther King)

New Year’s Resolutions; I Have a Dream program; What would you like to see different in the world?


February (School vacation)

Have someone from the Art Committee discuss art and spirituality; Assist in creating a display for the Fleck Room


Jen Makihara and Buddism


April (School vacation)

Barbara Waters to discuss science and religion

May (Memorial Day)

Taking care of Mother Earth Beach; Park cleanup; Start putting together our June Children’s Day Service


June (End of Sunday school)

Review the items we liked throughout the year; Present our church service to the congregation

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