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UUMH Serving Chatham and Cape Cod

Happy Quilts - Textile Art Show by Priscilla Smith
Open for viewing during Coffee Hour 11:30-12:30, every Sunday through mid-April
Photos by Beth Avery
Click on the Link Below for Details:
What Now? - Saturday, March 22, 3:00 PM
Ladies' Lunch - Tuesday, March 25, 11:30 AM
Caregivers Support Group - Saturday, March 29, 9 AM
Video Society - Wednesday, April 16 from 3 - 6 PM
MUUGS - Thursday, April 17, 11:30 AM
Monthly Monday Book Club - Monday, April 21, 10 AM
Saturday Meditation - Weekly at 9:30 AM on Zoom
Small Groups - Assorted Days/Times
"Tree of Hope" - Visit anytime at UUMH
Thrift Shop - Note of Gratitude
Request a "Google Event Calendar Posting": HERE
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

from Nauset Regional High School’s Environmental Club
On Sunday, March 9th, the “Nauset Green Club” shared its initiatives, goals, and community involvement. This group of passionate students is committed to protecting and advocating for our planet through sustainable practices around their school and the local community. CLICK here to see the presentation.
UUMH, Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Here is a LINK to the UUMH Safety Plan
It is also available in the members' section when using the customary password.
Please join us in-person at the UU Meeting House Chatham or over Zoom.
Access Zoom HERE. The UU Sunday Service begins at 10:30 AM.
Sunday Service, March 23rd at 10:30 AM
"Housing is Community – How Do We Build It?" with Andrea Aldana
The social fabric of the Lower and Outer Cape is held together by our collective ability to create and preserve homes and stability for our neighbors, our families, and ourselves Like most of the country, we are in a housing crisis because people who live and work here year-round cannot afford to rent or buy a home. We all have the ability to help our communities thrive in ways that can have a direct and short-term positive impact. let’s talk about how we got here and what we can do about it. Greeters: Priscilla Smith and Mary Parsons
Andrea Aldana, Chief Program Officer at the Community Development Partnership, was born and raised in Miami Beach, Florida, a first-generation US-born daughter of Colombian immigrants. She holds a BA in Urban Studies from New York University with a minor in Environmental Science. In 2011 she moved to Eastham with her husband, Scooter, to raise oysters and experience rural living. Andrea first joined the Community Development Partnership in 2011 as a volunteer, and was then hired as the Office Manager and is now our Chief Program Officer (CPO). As CPO, she seeks opportunities for collaboration and innovation across our programs. Andrea serves on the boards of: Citizen’s Housing and Planning Association, Abundant Housing Massachusetts, and the Wellfleet Farmers Market.
Sunday Service, March 30th at 10:30 AM
"The Presence of Evil—The Dark Side" with Rev. Chris McMahon
There is little doubt that evil exists in the world. Where does it come from and why does it exist? Some religions speak of an evil force – a devil that influences people and the world. Is this real?